IAM 11

IAM 11

IAM 11

Slugging it out

Software patent controversies have put intellectual property onto the front
pages of newspapers across the world. A supporter of such patents tries to
convince an opponent of their worth



The effect of corporate culture on IAM initiatives

There are a number of major challenges to face when putting together an IAMprogramme. Follow a few simple rules, however, and the task becomes a littleless daunting

Pushing US trademark law to the limit

The passage of the Trademark Dilution Revision Act 2005 through Congresshas raised further questions about the limits of US trademark law. Insupporting an expansion of their rights, some believe that trademark ownerscould end up doing themselves more harm than good

The effect of corporate

There are a number of major challenges to face when putting together an IAMprogramme. Follow a few simple rules, however, and the task becomes a littleless daunting.

How liquor companies learned to fight counterfeits

The drinks industry is not alone in facing a serious threat from counterfeitingin developing markets such as China. However, the way liquor companies haveresponded may prove instructive to those operating in other sectors

Mixed signals could spell danger for RFID

It is one of the big stories of 2005, but developments in RFID may beundermined by standards organisations

The Dow dynamic

Dow Chemical was embracing intellectual capital management before mostpeople had even heard of it. Nowadays, the concept is rooted at the heart ofthe company’s strategic planning. Three of Dow’s senior IC professionalsexplain how it works and look at the challenges they still face


Playing trademark catch-up

In the world of IAM, trademarks areoften the poor relation to patents.They should not be

Securing IP ownership is a key VC goal

There are many reasons why VCsshould seek to ensure that a companyin which they invest owns the IP thatunderpins its business case. If therights remain in the hands of thecompany’s founders, on the otherhand, there is potential for serioustrouble further down the line

Patent rights… and wrongs

A recently published book by twoMassachusetts economists makes avaluable contribution to the debateabout the future of the patent systemin the US. But not all the authors’conclusions stand up to scrutiny

The uncommon commons

The arguments about the extent towhich IP law should affect the freeexchange of ideas are getting fiercer.But those who say patent rights havegone too far should pause to thinkwho, in the end, would benefit fromtheir curtailment


California runs stem-cell risk

Hollywood-fuelled enthusiasm – and blue-state contrariness– moved California voters last year to authorise a US$3billion handout for the funding of stem-cell research.Unfortunately, it appears that nobody stopped to thinkthrough the IP consequences. As a result, the projectcould now be at risk

Dyson may rue his trademark gaffe

James Dyson, the British entrepreneurnow conquering the US, made hisfortune on the back of patents. Hisknowledge of trademark law does notseem to be so strong.

AUTM’s members must face up to their biggest challenge

The annual AUTM meeting, held inPhoenix in February, was the bestattended ever. Delegates still face majorchallenges back on campus, though.

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