The caveat “Take nothing for granted” is apt for corporate executives in theirtreatment of intellectual property, particularly in Jamaica’s context
Licensing deals are made, not born. And that means those looking tocommercialise their intellectual property in this way need to have a strategicapproach to the negotiation process
Offshore outsourcing can offer companies a range of significant benefits. Butfor those that fail to take care of IP-related issues, it can turn into a nightmare
Justifying the investment necessary to implement a meaningful intellectualasset management strategy need not be a thankless task
There are a number of legal and practical issues that need to be addressed bycompanies currently considering the manufacture of high technology products,research and development, and IT outsourcing in China
If an IP owner is to extract maximum value from its patent portfolio, it is vital toensure that the portfolio is properly organised and analysed. This is the onlyway to be confident of identifying all potential revenue-generating opportunities
The application of capital market principles to the valuation of IP will lead to amore realistic assessment of how much specific properties are worth
In most cases under English law, IP created by an employee during the courseof his employment belongs to the employer. However, contracts are the bestway to cement this situation
Although not a big amount in itself, the royalty rate a brand attracts can leadto significant income for its owner. It therefore pays to make sure that you getthe figure right
Employees whose work leads to the creation of patents in Germany areentitled to receive remuneration. And although the process through which thisis done is complicated, no company can afford to ignore it
Following a series of high-profile court cases, the Japanese government hasintroduced new rules designed to clarify issues around compensation foremployees whose inventions are subsequently patented by their employers
Last year, the European Commissionissued a revised Technology TransferBlock Exemption, with the aim ofmaking it easier for companies toassess their licensing deals forcompliance with the competitionrules. But how useful is the newblock exemption in practice?
One hundred years after Einstein’sTheory of Relativity, can physicistsfind the Theory of Everything onWall Street?
For a variety of owners, selling patentsis considered off limits. Some,however, are beginning to take a morepragmatic view and they are finding agrowing number of willing buyers
Last year, the European Commissionissued a revised Technology TransferBlock Exemption, with the aim ofmaking it easier for companies toassess their licensing deals forcompliance with the competitionrules. But how useful is the newblock exemption in practice?
Ensuring a start-up has a capablepatent attorney working on its behalfcan be crucial to achieving success.As a result, it would be an unwise VCthat left the hiring decision to thecompany’s management
English law firms do not often offerpatent prosecution services. Olswangis one of the few that has decided tobuck the trend.
Portugal has done well out of EUmembership but, as Europe expands,the country’s economy faces problems.University tech-transfer could be part ofthe solution.
Kevin Rivette is one of the pivotal figures in thedevelopment of intellectual asset management. He hasnow surprised many by swapping life as a consultant forthe high-profile pressure of a senior position at IBM