At first sight, Google Print (now Book Search) versusthe publishers looks like the music industry’s fights withNapster, Grokster and KaZaA all over again. But thereare several important differences which may mean that,unlike the music file sharers, Google comes out on top
There has been sharp criticism of thedecision by senior members of the USjudiciary to attend a recentinternational judges forum hosted bythe IP Owners Association.
The role of IP professionals insidecorporations has never been morecomplex, or more important. Therecent LES event in Phoenix bearstestament to this.
Successful value-oriented IP management must be focused on the qualityof IP assets, the exploitation process and complementary assets ratherthan on a one-dimensional value concept
Changes to the way in which corporate governance is approached mean thatboards of directors will spend more time on IP management issues than theyhave in the past. For intellectual asset professionals, one of the challengesthis presents is helping senior decision makers focus on the right areas
Tim Phillips’s book Knock Off goes right to the heart of IP crime bydemonstrating the immense damage it causes not just to business but alsoto people’s lives. He pulls no punches when discussing the role IP ownersmust play if the problem is to be tackled effectively
In order to continue generating valuable intellectual assets and to staycompetitive, companies must be committed to expenditure on innovation.The problem for many, however, is that they do not see the returns theyexpect from this commitment, and this can cause trouble with investors
Funds that invest in patent portfolios are not common anywhere.In Europe, however, they are unknown. Until now, that is. Based in Germany,IP Bewertungs AG pays to take a share of patent portfolios in the hope ofsecuring lucrative licensing deals that will see their overall value increase
A recent decision by a USPTOboard of appeal means it may wellbecome easier to obtain patentprotection for business methods inthe US. Meanwhile, a case due tobe heard by the Supreme Courtcould provide further clarification inthis controversial area
The next time a call centre asks youto “select one for this, two for thator three for the other thing”, think ofRon Katz. He is virtually everywhere
It is money wasted if a start-upcompany has a large patent portfolioand does not develop a strategy tomaximise its potential benefits
As traditional methods of makingmoney available to borrowers becomeless attractive, the sale and licenceback of intellectual property couldemerge as a favoured tool. But it willneed a leap of faith from both partiesin a transaction if this is to happen
Protecting brands online can be acostly and often confusingventure. Dominic Speller of CPAlooks at the types of domainnames a company should registerand at how extensive protectionstrategies should be