It is not just patent offices that areresponsible for the issuance of poorquality patents; filers have to taketheir share of blame as well. Anduntil they do, things are unlikely toget much better
Venture capital funds have to beaware of the challenges posedby patent trolls. The good newsis that the threat will not be sogreat in Europe
The Microsoft v EuropeanCommission competition case hasbeen described as “the biggestencroachment on IP in Europeancompetition law history”. And it isnot over yet
As we search for solutions to thecurrent energy crisis, there arelessons to be learned from eventsat the turn of the 20th century
Changing political trends anddiminishing global resources oftenaffect product development. ChristianBunke looks at how understandingthe patent landscape can play animportant role in driving innovation ina changing world
It is a company that has become used to major patent litigation.But Amgen’s latest battle could turn out to be the most significant yet,especially at the end of a period when acquisitions and the establishmentof a venture fund have marked a change in strategy
Although membership of a standards organisation may seem to be anattractive option, companies should always think carefully before theysign up as there can be significant downsides to participation
The prediction is that a growing number of US companies will be goingbankrupt over the next few years. Many of them will own potentiallyvaluable intellectual property rights
Those engaging in the M&A process could be making a major mistakeif they fail to give serious consideration to the brands involved in thepotential deal
The patent system needs to be rethought if it is to remain relevant in the21st century. The people who take part in the process have to be drawnfrom a broad cross-section of interests because it is far too important tobe left to the usual suspects
Ford Global Technologies needed an IAM system to help it manage its globalportfolio of rights. Instead of developing one alone, the company got togetherwith British American Tobacco. The results have been spectacular
An in-bound supplement in whichcorrespondents report on recentdevelopments in some of Asia’s mostsignificant jurisdictions.
The US Supreme Court’s decision ineBay v MercExchange has been widelyhailed as a defeat for patent trolls. Butit will also have potentially damagingconsequences for others.
All the right people attended the first open auctionof patents held in San Francisco in April. The problemwas, not many of them ended up bidding. But nexttime it could be different