Management report
Subscribers to IAM will be familiar withthe fact that intangible assets are nowmore valuable to companies than they haveever been before.
Italian patent licensing companySisvel plays hardball when seekingto enforce rights relating to MP3technology. The latest company tofind this out is SanDisk. But areSisvel’s actions anti-competitive?
What is it that makes otherwiseintelligent people appear to beNeanderthals when it comes to IP?
After years of courtship, the marriageof intellectual property to financialinvestment should be celebratingmore than a few anniversaries.But that is not yet the caseSomething borrowed, something newIt takes two to make a marriage a successand only one to make it a failure
Technology transfer is one way ofdelivering innovative technology to agreat many people. The issue ishow it can best be encouraged.
The shift from the familiar corporate asset bases – centred upon traditionalphysical and financial assets – to one increasingly based upon intangibleintellectual capital assets brings with it changing laws and subtle newethical problems.
The IP community has a communication problem and if it does notrecognise this, and then do something about it, the long-term effects couldbe disastrous.
The value of intangible assets is in the eye of the beholder. If you do notunderstand this fundamental truth then all your attempts to discover howmuch your intangibles are worth will be doomed to failure.
A new online forum could hold the key to creating a standardised market forpatents in Europe. If it is successful, companies may be able to releaseand find significant untapped value.
Talk of poor quality patents and flooding has become commonplace overrecent years, but a closer look at the facts suggests that things are not asbad as they first seem. While patent offices do face serious challenges,major changes to the current system are not the answer
The Delaware Supreme Court has recently handed down a decision whichcould have a profound impact on the board members of many UScompanies. It indicates that failure to oversee intellectual assets may leadto personal liability.
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden punch way above their weight whenit comes to intellectual property. Experts from each country explain thecurrent lie of the IP land in Europe’s far north
Industry insight
The procurement of products orservices from a third-party for theirexpertise or to cut-costs has alwaysplayed an important role in successfulindustries. Christian Bunke looks athow IP outsourcing is changing.
The university technologytransfer sector in the USmust stop living off oldglories and confront thechallenges of the present
Here’s an interesting snippetabout the military junta thatseized power in a bloodlesscoup in Thailand last September.
While the Aerospace & Defenseindustry has very little movementatop the leader board, the industrycontinues to be driven by researchand development activities for newcommercial aircraft platforms andgovernment-funded R&D forgovernment defense contracts.