Are we ready for a world where allbusiness relationships begin to looklike licensing transactions?
The International Organisation forStandardisation is seeking views onthe establishment of a standard forvaluing patents. The move shouldbe welcomed
On 13th December 2007 theEuropean Patent Convention 2000came into force in all contractingstates, extensively changing theoriginal convention
With some predicting recession for2008, it is time to speak out aboutthe value that IP can bring
There are more ways to makemoney from IP rights than everbefore. The key is knowing whichone works for you
The major accounting initiative designed to improve the reporting ofintangible value in the US was supposed to bring greater clarity. But a newstudy shows that SFAS 141, like IFRS 3, has failed to live up to the hype
Over recent years a number of new business models for making money outof IP have emerged and along with them have come the IP intermediaries.They may not be universally loved, but they show no signs of going away.In fact, we can expect to see many more evolve
There is more competition and antitrust scrutiny of IP owners than ever before. And it is only going to get more intense
Building a successful and sustainable patent divestiture programmerequires embracing the key decision points through which a corporateorganisation must work
Over the last few years, the US Supreme Court has heard a number ofmajor patent cases. As 2008 gets underway it is due to decide another thatcould have a significant impact on the issue of exhaustion
The patent brokerage business has experienced a lift-off over the last five years, driven mainly by the activities of Intellectual Ventures. But although many more deals are now being done, its future still lies largely in the hands of this bold and mysterious operation
It is hard to identify many clear winners and losers in the US patentlitigation stakes 2007; although Vonage will be pleased that the yearis over and it is still in business
A group of IP stakeholders has got together to form Open-IP Consortium,a standards-based, online patent exchange
Industry insight
Elizabeth Bevier, of ThomsonScientific IP Management Services,looks at portfolio managementrequirements in the wake of USPTOrule changes
Sir: In previous issues of IAMyou have discussed what makesa good chief intellectual propertyofficer ( IAM 25, pages 31 to 36;IAM 26, pages 8 to 10). Wehave found that the mostsuccessful heads of IP oftenorganise themselves in adifferent way from others.
An exclusive interviewwith IAMreveals that thenew president of the EPOis determined to tacklethe problems the officefaces both internally andexternally. It will be atough task