The European Commission and the US’s Federal TradeCommission have both issued consultation documentsoutlining their views on intellectual property in severalkey areas. Rights owners have reacted with dismay
A war of words has erupted betweenbranded pharma companies and theirgeneric rivals in Europe. Neither group,however, seems to be prepared to talkabout the bottom line
A recent meeting of the LicensingExecutives Society was told that the US’slead in technology is not guaranteed. Topventure capitalist John Dennistonbelieves there could be a serious threatfrom Europe and Asia
It is tough trying to spread the IP message in Europe when too many companyexecutives, investors, and even patent lawyers and attorneys, do not see itsfull potential. Just ask a man who has been trying for the last three years.
Intangible assets frequently make-up well over 50% of company value, yet thereis no widely accepted method for expressing them on company balance sheetsor in statutory accounts. Baruch Lev, one of the world’s leading authorities onintangible accounting, believes this has to change but concedes that for it tohappen there are some formidable barriers to overcome.
As a proactive business tool, a company can use its IP not only to increaseprofits in its traditional areas of product development, but also to foray intonon-traditional markets and to build stronger relationships with buyers andsuppliers.
Organisations in Germany are beginning to recognise the value of their dormantintellectual property and put it to use. This represents an enormous opportunityfor experienced venture capital firms.
It is not enough to decide that a company needs to manage and commercialise its IP assets more effectively. Senior management also has to understand thatit has a key role to play if any plan is to be a success.
Early preparation for a thoroughIP due diligence has thepotential to save companies agreat deal of time and moneyfurther down the line
Hold a property developer toransom with a piece of landblocking a major buildingscheme and you are called ashrewd businessman. Demand alicence fee to use a patentcovering key technology and youare branded a villain.Something’s wrong.
It does not only take gooddirectors and officers to ensurea company’s IP portfolio is run tothe benefit of its investors.Shareholders themselves mustalso take a keen interest