There has been a recent surge infalse patent marking suits in the US.To avoid becoming victims,companies need to take proactivesteps now
In today’s economically uncertainera, a strong and unified IP strategy,combined with the ability to executeit, will reduce costs and risks whileincreasing company value
As economic and financialuncertainty persists in many partsof the world, now is the time forcompanies to harvest theirintangibles. After all, they are oftenthe real drivers of value, revenueand overall sustainability
Something’s going on in China.From humble beginnings, anunstoppable momentum ofinnovation is building. If globaltrends continue, China looks setto dominate the patent informationlandscape
The developed world is slipping intorecession and establishedinvestment vehicles are crashinginto disrepute. What will be theknock-on effect for IP assets - andthose tasked with their managementand monetisation?
Becoming an IP Hall of Fameinductee is no easy thing. That’swhy those who have made it thisyear are all acknowledged leadersin their respective fields
The recentBilskidecision shouldencourage US patent applicants to use avariety of claim types, include a machineor transformation in the body of themethod claim, and include more specificembodiments in the written description
The most valuable patents a companyowns may not be those that drivelicensing deals, but those that underpinproducts and secure freedom of action
While there is much debate about whywe have a financial crisis and howto solve it, one thing is clear: as asociety that depends on the creation ofcapital, we know very little about howcapitalism works
Inter partesre-exams did not catch onimmediately, but they are becomingincreasingly popular at the USPTO
The reports about IP and China inthe mainstream media and theactual truth are often twocompletely different things, say apanel of experts taking part in thisspecial roundtable
Patents, trademarks andcopyrights are crucial USassets. The new president hasmajor decisions to make thatwill affect their ongoing valueto corporate America