Cellport Systems has thrived as asmall research-based business in amarket dominated by the big boys.An innovative approach to patentingplays a fundamental role in astrategy that has created severalbillion-dollar revenue streams
There has never been a better time to acquire high-quality patents at low prices. Companies and other entities should be taking advantage of this fact
There are proven ways to reduce IPinvestment costs while alsoenhancing the value of rightsportfolios. During an economicdownturn, these come into their own
Hewlett-Packard has devotedsignificant time and resources toensuring that its IP portfolio isaligned to the company’s overallstrategic goals. An extract from arecently published book* about IPbusiness models explains how
Over the last 12 to 18 months thepercentage of listed companyvalues that can be attributed tointangibles has fallen rapidly, tostand at under 50%. Seriousrebuilding work is needed
To create maximum value fromintellectual property rights, ownershave to ensure that their IPmanagement and businessstrategies are closely aligned
Inter partes re-examinations at theUSPTO could play a part in reducingpatent values and discouraging R&Dinvestment
In one of its first considerations ofdilution, the ECJ delivered a judgmentthat makes it a difficult concept fortrademark owners to claim
The modern-day debate about IP is oftendescribed as polarised and ideological.Unfortunately, this may be too kind.Many views are best described as naïveand manipulative. The discourse oncounterfeiting and piracy is a good casein point
A new book claims that strong patentholderrights undermine social andbusiness objectives, and waste valuableresources
Management report
Licensing deals are negotiated andlicensing agreements written in realtime. A robust pro forma licenceagreement can save hours oftransaction time at critical points ina deal
A bill that would allow governmentfundedacademic institutions topatent their inventions has receiveda mixed reception. It should result ingreater interaction betweenindustry, academia andgovernment, but some fear it doesnot protect the public interest
By implementing a sound andflexible IP management process,universities can spot thetechnologies most suitable forexploitation and give them a goodstart in life. For those that do so,there are rich rewards to be reaped
Business method patents are stillalive and well in the United States.However, the Federal Circuit’slandmark Bilski decision is areminder that they must meet the“machine-or-transformation” test,like any other process claim.
A background in IP is not aprerequisite for patent andtrademark office bosses inmost jurisdictions; it should notbe in the United States either
Industry insight
In today’s economic environment, it isessential for law firms, like most otherbusinesses, to distinguish themselvesfrom their competitors in order tomaintain and grow market share, saysSteve Kriston, director of North Americansales for the Scientific business ofThomson Reuters