Alison Brimelow is standingdown as the president of theEPO in 2010. Her successorwill have a huge job to do. Andthat means the best person forthe job must get it
Risk and reputation management isa natural extension of intellectualproperty management, but it is anarea of business operations in needof much greater support
With a mountain of money in thebank and a wide-ranginginvestment strategy, IntellectualVentures continues to drive the IPmarket forwards
Almost all readers of this magazineunderstand the strategic importanceof IP to companies’ competitivenessand financial performance. Thechallenge is to make the C-suite seeit too. Only a change in the way IPvalue is communicated will help
To encourage truly groundbreakinginnovation, a patent system mustalso be able to tolerate other, morebizarre inventions
Big pharmaceutical companies mayhave a poor reputation, but a closelook suggests it is not deserved.The problem is that too many aresilent about the great deal of positivework they do. GSK has decided tobreak down this wall of silence
The United States is in the grip ofan expensive, low-quality, patentrelevance,patent-production crisis
How to deal with the risks of tyingcomplaints following the EuropeanCommission’s Microsoft cases
Reconciling the myriad issues andconstituencies at play in the patentreform debate requires a careful blendof time and full understanding ofconsequences
When it comes to press coverage of IPactivities, even good reporters seldomseem to get it right. That’s why most IPexecutives would rather hide fromjournalists than speak to them. Theydon’t realise that they need the pressmore than it needs them
This issue's featured industry data includes key patent metrics fior companies in the Consumer Electronics Industry
Industry insight
If history is any guide, companies thatinvest in intellectual property in a recessioncome out of the experience stronger thanthose who choose to wait for the economyto improve, says Jeremy Rosie, Director,Thomson Reuters IP Solutions