IAM 38

IAM 38

IAM 38

It's time to replace the pyramid

Although there is no intention to defraud, the current global patent system is essentially one big pyramid scheme. There is now an opportunity to do something about it.



The man from the ministry

The UK’s IP minister outlines hispolicy priorities and examines someof the issues facing patent ownersin Europe and further afield

How senior management can execute strong patenting

Executing more effective patentingrequires senior managers to createa winning patenting culture, applylevers to prevent default patentingand enable people to meet theadditional requirements

Use it or lose it

If patent owners want to generatemaximum returns from themonetisation of their rights, theyneed to look beyond well-wornmoney-making strategies

Integral IAM and new product processes are the future

It is only a matter of time before theintegration of IP and productdevelopment becomes part of themainstream business process.Companies have to decide whetherthey want to be leaders or laggardsas this happens

Changes at the top

There has never been a betteropportunity for IP executives to claimtheir rightful place as leaders ofcorporate growth and value creation

How emotions will drive the consumer recovery

Consumers are ready to startspending again. Companies thatcan learn the lessons taught by themasters of intangible assetmanagement will be the firstto benefit

Europe’s pharmaceutical sector inquiry: politics v facts

Dawn raids marked the start of aEuropean Commission inquiry thatfocused on the pharmaceuticalsector’s use of patents. However,the final report from the inquiryteam did not herald the crackdownmany had feared


IP investorPenny wise, patent foolish

Businesses adept at generatinginventions from R&D frequently fail torecognise outside patent opportunities.Who or what is to blame?

IP lawyerCryptic questions on software patenting in Europe

EPO President Alison Brimelow wasseeking clarity when she asked theoffice’s Enlarged Board of Appeal toconsider the patentability of computerprograms in Europe. Unfortunately, shemay not get what she is after

CIPO forumSwing dance: IP valuations on the rise

IP valuations have sunk to record lows,but we’re now poised to see thingsswing in a new direction

Industry Focus: Health Care

This issue's featured industry data includes key patent ketrics for companies in the Health Care Industry.


A war by any other name

NPEs – or patent trolls – arefar from the evil they are oftensaid to be. But that will notstop some operatingcompanies from waging waron them, as well as the lawfirms and funds with whichthey work

Letter to the editor

Speaking up for IP: greater coordination and greater focus on societal benefits needed

Industry insight

Promoting collaboration across the IP lifecycle

Driving collaboration across theintellectual property lifecycle maximisesreturn on your IP investments, writesAdam Kenney of Thomson Reuters

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