Johnson & Johnson has shown howa corporate ethics constitution canfoster reputation resilience
Ambiguous language in patentapplications can cause significantproblems with examination and laterwith patent enforcement. Thesolution is to introduce easilyaccessible controlling dictionariesthat will leave no one in any doubtas to what words mean
A well-structured and properlymanaged IP strategy will play apivotal part in any company’soverall success. Those that do thejob best are well communicated,widely accepted throughout theorganisation and, perhaps mostimportant of all, widely practised
Equality of opportunity is not just amatter of improving corporatediversity profiles. The simple fact isthat companies that employ anumber of women in senior positionstend to do better on a range of keymeasures than those that do not
If IP is the integral corporate assetwe believe it to be, why do so fewC-suite executives engage with it?Maybe it’s because IP managers donot properly engage with them.At Philips, however, that is not thecase. Here’s why
Intellectual property is proving to bea controversial issue in the climatechange negotiations taking place inadvance of a major UN conferenceto be held in Copenhagen inDecember, and compulsorylicensing could be on the agenda.But is this a serious threat or just somuch political posturing?
Everyone has a stake in innovation.However, for the potential ofinnovators to be harnessed tomaximum effect, the environmentwithin which they currently workin many parts of the world hasto change
R&D games theory has led to abetter understanding of how IP isleveraged in various industries. It isalso a useful tool for thoseinterested in exploring how patentissues impact on open innovationtimeframes
Although the facts and figuresare impressive, China is notyet an IP superpower. But ifregional and centralauthorities learn to take aback seat, it soon could be
The IAM blog currently has aregular readership of around9,000 unique users, who visitthe site an average of threetimes a month. In this newseries, some of the blog’smost popular recent postswill be reproduced in theInsight section of IAMmagazine, along with someof the responses thatthey generated.
A special roundtable examining thelatest developments in the UnitedStates reveals that it has beenanother year of big changes in theworld’s most important patentmarketplace
Management report
As China speeds towards becomingan innovation-based economy,foreign businesses have no choicebut to engage with the Chinese IPsystem. However, uncertainties inthe efficacy of that system meanthat due diligence is more vital thanever for rights holders
Presenting patent cases is as muchabout how you tell it as what youtell. A compelling, well-rehearsedstory about the obstacles aninventor has overcome to secure apatent is key to helping a judgeand jury comprehend complextechnical issues
Despite low attorney fees, highdamages and relatively fast trials,the number of patent cases beinginitiated in Japan is falling. Somecommentators argue that Japanesepatent litigation is actually antipatent,which may be affecting thenumber of cases filed
The Federal Circuit Court of Appealshas set aside a US$358 milliondamages award in Lucent vGateway, finding that the evidencewas insufficient to support the jury’sverdict. The case provides someuseful guidance on the role of expertwitnesses in working out damages
After six years and 38 columns “IPinvestor” emerges with a new name andbroader outlook. What does stockinvesting have to do with patents? Keepreading to find out
Efforts to increase nationalcompetitiveness reveal a surprising keyingredient: national cooperation
Applying for both patent and utility modelprotection is still feasible under the newChinese Patent Law, and in manysituations it could make perfect sense
This issue's featured industry data includes key patent metrics for companies in the Materials Industry.
Industry insight
Based on the level of innovative activityin the 3-D space, it appears we maysoon be watching 3-D commercials onour flat-screen televisions and pagingthrough 3-D memories of our children inphoto albums, writes Jeremy Rosie,director of Expert Services, IP Solutions,Thomson Reuters