An IP portfolio is a diamond in therough. In the hands of the rightcraftsman, it can be polished toreveal its full value. The trick isfinding these individuals and givingthem the best chance of doingtheir job well.
Now is the time to be decidingwhich IAM strategies to selectwhose outcomes will track to yourcorporate objectives and timelinesin 2010 and beyond.
There is more to winning a complexmulti-jurisdictional IP litigation thanjust having a good case.
After almost a decade of failednegotiations, 2009 saw EUmember states commit to thecreation of an EU patent and singlepatent court. A panel of leading IPprofessionals discuss their hopesand expectations for a unifiedEuropean patent system.
Bad habits in intellectual capitalmanagement can end up causingcompanies major problems. It isimportant to recognise the sins inorder to put in place the solutions.
US jewellery company ZaleCorporation has overlooked itsprimary intangible asset. Salesand market capitalisation havefallen as a result. But all is not lost.
China’s economy may be forced tochange over the coming years asthe export market becomes morechallenging. This could presentboth foreign and domesticcompanies with new opportunities.To seize them, they mustunderstand their brands.
Detailed analysis shows that a highpercentage of the most successfulearly-stage VC-backed businessesin the United States have a strongIP sense.
For all the talk of out-of-the-boxinnovation, perhaps there are alsosome lessons to be learned from insidethe box.
The Bilski case will be closely watchedto see whether the Supreme Courtwill use it to address determination ofpatent eligibility well beyond businessmethods.
Half-baked press coverage of IPactivities devalues patents andimpedes innovation. Blame bothreporters and patent holders for notknowing the facts.
Industry insight
Understanding and adjusting to thenew rules covering divisionalapplications is critical – as is the needto track the new deadlines, writesAndrew Schimmoeller, a legalresearcher for Thomson IP ManagementServices at Thomson Reuters.
This issue's featured industry data includes key patent metrics for companies in the Information Technology Industries.
For those interested in thefinancing of IP and otherintangibles, the next decadelooks to be full of promise.
The IAM blog is updated fouror five times a week andcurrently has a regularreadership of around 9,000unique users, who visit thesite an average of three timesa month. In this series, someof the blog’s most popularposts are reproduced in theInsight section of IAMmagazine, along with theresponses that theygenerated.