The issue's featured industry data includes key patent metrics for companies in the Consumer Electronics Industry.
Patents are crucial to virtually allcompanies that operate in the lifesciences industries. This makespatent litigation a fact of businesslife. Detailed and exclusive IAMresearch has uncovered which lawfirms the life science powerhousesgo to when disputes arise.
Established in 2006, the IP Hallof Fame honours individualswho have made a majorcontribution to thedevelopment of IP in the fieldsof law, practice, policy, finance,business and academia.Inductees are chosen by a40-strong IP Hall of FameAcademy from a list ofnominations submitted by theglobal IP community.
Benoît Battistelli will be thenext president of the EuropeanPatent Office. But the way inwhich he was chosen lackedtransparency and may makewhat is bound to be a toughjob even harder.
The IAM blog ( is updated fouror five times a week andcurrently has a regularreadership of around 9,000unique users, who visit the sitean average of three times amonth. In this series, some ofthe blog’s most popular postsare reproduced in the Insightsection of IAM magazine,along with the responses thatthey generated.
Chinese companies are keenacquirers of intellectual property.For foreign businesses that knowwhat they are doing, this presentssignificant opportunities.
They may not get as much attentionas their US counterparts, butEuropean NPEs are out there anddoing business both in Europe andelsewhere
Toyota has paid a heavyreputational price for recent failuresin its supply line managementprocess. It will not be the lastto suffer in this way.
As intangibles emerge as an assetclass, financial firms are developinga variety of mechanisms to utilisethem in the capital markets.
Two innovative defensive IP models,pioneered by AST and RPX, areattracting growing numbers ofoperating companies as theyintensify their efforts to fend offlitigation from non-practising entities.
A recent Supreme Court case in theUS promoted class action settlementsof copyright infringements by resolvingthat courts have jurisdiction overunregistered works of authorship
Managing expectations is an importantelement in establishing patentperformance. Who are IP stakeholdersand why do businesses need to careabout what they think?
Retreating to the past or redefining thefuture in the face of growing internationalpatent competition is the choice nowfacing the US and other countries
Industry insight
Two influential trademark experts,Wubbo de Boer, president of the Officefor Harmonization in the Internal Market(OHIM), and Tom Heremans, attorney atlaw and vice president of the BeneluxTrade Mark Association, talk about theCommunity Trademark and RegisteredCommunity Design.