A round-up of IP-related quotes, observations and opinionsfrom the recent past ...
A sophisticated patent-basedmarket is beginning todevelop in China. But there isstill a long way to go beforepatents are fully embraced bythe country’s businesses
Ericsson’s chief intellectual propertyofficer believes he has one of thebest IP teams in the world. Not onlydoes it manage a high-qualitypatent portfolio, but it also regularlyexceeds its revenue targets. In thisexclusive interview, Kasim Alfalahitalks about why he runs hisdepartment like a small business
Globalisation of intellectual propertyspurs innovation and nowhere isthis more the case than in theemerging 4G technology space.Patent pools are key to ensuringthis continued success
Intangible assets can create muchmore value when they are managedin a tax-efficient manner. A number ofEuropean countries offer incentivesfor companies exploiting intangibleassets in those jurisdictions
Patent-related insurance has beenhard to come by, while those policiesthat do exist are often regarded astoo expensive. However, as moreinsurers enter the market, moresophisticated products at lowerprices are beginning to appear
Although the Eastern District ofTexas is regarded by defendants inpatent infringement suits as a venueto escape from as soon as possible,sometimes staying put may well bethe best option
When problems began to emergewith some of its aircraft engines,Rolls-Royce faced a potentiallydamaging reputation issue. Thereare good reasons why this does notappear to have materialised
The business media are doing a betterjob of covering patent disputes.However, they still have a long way togo if intellectual property is to be takenseriously by non-IP audiences
In its Uniloc decision, the US Court ofAppeals for the Federal Circuit providedmuch-needed clarification on thecalculation of damages in patentinfringement lawsuits. Patent ownersshould not fear that the bottom is fallingout of the value of their patents; neithershould infringers rejoice (too much)
Industry insight
The best innovation is based on sharingideas, but in the US that incurs potentialrisk of severe penalties in the case ofwillful infringement. So how, asks BobStembridge of Thomson Reuters IPSolutions, can that risk be managedwhile ensuring effective innovationthrough collaboration?
Three leading attorneys look atdevelopments in the US patentlandscape during 2010