IAM 59

IAM 59

IAM 59

Apple, Samsung and the battle for patent supremacy

Apple and Samsung have been
slugging it out in court in various
parts of the world for several
years now. An analysis of the
two companies’ patent portfolios
suggests that one has a very strong
advantage over the other

Michael Pellegrino


A shifting landscape: patenting in the Chinese semiconductor industry

After a decade of growth at home,Chinese semiconductor companiesare poised to take a larger shareof the global market. They are alsorapidly increasing their patentingactivities. Multinationals should situp and take note – not just in China,but in their own jurisdictions as well

The C-suite CIPO

Most heads of IP departmentscan only dream of reporting directto the CEO. For Ericsson CIPOKasim Alfalahi, however, this dreamhas become a reality. He talks usthrough his first year since gainingentry to the C-suite

IP debt – the new monetisation option

IP debt is a new way to raise cashfrom patents without having to sellor enforce them. However, it canbe a high-stakes game andcompanies need to take care thatthey do not lose control of valuableintellectual property

Open season

As the widespread adoption ofAndroid has shown, consumertechnology companies areincreasingly turning to variousopen source software platforms toboost their competitive advantage.At the same time, open sourcedevelopers are recognising thebenefits of IP protection

State of practice in software valuation

Software is everywhere, but puttinga value on it is a tough challenge.A distinguished panel of expertsdiscuss how it might be done

America Invents Act shines the spotlight on trade secrets

Trade secrets have always beenvaluable, but the America InventsAct means they are now worth morethan ever – potentially even morethan patents. What is the best wayto take advantage of this type ofprotection for your inventions – andwhat are the pitfalls?

Bring on tomorrow

While the elite patent prosecutionfirms in the United States may facemore challenges than ever before,the fact that intellectual property ismoving to the top of the corporateagenda means that the future hasnever been brighter

Intangible assets: safeguarding what really matters most to companies

It is no longer an option, but anabsolute imperative, for securityand risk management practitionersto acquire an operational familiaritywith intangible assets

Using regression models to isolate the value of a patented feature

Regression models not only canprovide a quantitative measure fordamages in US patent cases, butalso can provide additional insightinto topics such as non-infringingalternatives, market equilibriumsand cannibalisation that can help tostrengthen a damages model


SHIELD: a deeply flawed response to an unquantified problem

Before legislating againstalleged abuses of the patentsystem by non-practisingentities, US politicians needto make sure that they canseparate fact from anecdote,theory and hunch

Seen and heard

A round-up of IP-related quotes, observations and opinions from the recent past ...


Parker’s public play

Increased investor appetite in the IPasset class and the substantial benefitsoffered by a public listing have enabledmany public IP companies to accomplishand accelerate their business objectives.A good example is ParkerVision

Towards a more flexible Hong Kong patent system

Proposed changes to Hong Kong’spatent regime are far reaching and,potentially, game changing for bothpractitioners and their clients

Silicon Valley: too big to fail, or too big not to?

Successful tech companies havetransformed what was once thecornerstone of invention into a place thatis strangely inhospitable to bold ideasand strong IP rights. What will it take forSilicon Valley to get its mojo back?

Management report

Strategic brand management in a global marketplace

In today’s globalised market, it is more important than ever to make smart decisions on trademark selection, registration and enforcement. A successful brand management programme can play a vital role in minimising risk and maximising value

Trademarks: evolving law in India

India’s rise to prominence on theinternational scene has madeit an increasingly attractive marketin which to do business. Thetrademark regime is continuallybeing refined to accommodate thisgrowing interest

IP TRANSLATOR: earthquake or tremor?

The European Court of Justice’s eagerly awaited decision in the IP TRANSLATOR case marks a turning point in the examination of trademark applications across the European Union. Applicants will need to review their filing strategies accordingly By Christian R Thomas,

Protecting packaging and product designs as trademarks

Protecting trade dress is a delicate matter – not least because the way in which it is promoted directly impacts on enforceability. However, a well-thought-out strategy can result in a trademark right that is valid before the US Patent and Trademark Office

Industry insight

Why it’s time for designs

Registered designs can protect yourbrand’s x-factor and as a result are apowerful arrow in the IP quiver, writesKristin Geboers of the trademarkbusiness of Thomson Reuters

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