IAM 06

IAM 06

IAM 06

Why India is on the up and up

India’s stock as an innovation centre is at an all-time high. A highly-skilled
young workforce, sustained government investment in education, low labour
costs and a reverse brain-drain have created an environment where IT, biotech
and pharma R&D can all flourish. Full TRIPs compliance, due in 2005, makes
the picture even rosier. By Nigel Page


The IP personalities of 2015, part one

So, the festivities are all over and it is time to get back to work. And, as is usual at this time of year, the IAM blog announces our IP personalities of 2015. Please remember that we define a “personality” in very broad terms. You don’t have to be…


Another step forward for the generics

The Medicare Act 2003 was notonly about giving senior citizens inthe US greater access toprescription drugs. It also containedprovisions designed to simplify theentry of generic pharmaceuticalproducts into the market

When winning can mean losing

Getting the right decision in courtdoes not guarantee a happy outcomefor the victorious party. Because ofthis, companies need to be extremelycareful before choosing full-scalepatent litigation

Wealth management in the age of patents

Managing the value of anintellectual property portfolio oftencomes down to following a seriesof important principles


The patent system needs to be reformed, leading economist tells the LES

At the LES International meeting held in Paris at the end of March, delegates heardan influential economist explain why he thought the patent system needed reforming.His presentation, however, provided many more questions than answers

Rights owners must address their own in counterfeit fight

The INTA has been at the forefront of thebattle against counterfeiting and piracy.Although such efforts need to continue, itis also important to tackle the reluctanceof some rights owners to put in placeeffective strategies against IP theft.

Keeping its name is crucial to Google’s public performance

The imminent public offering of Googleshares seems set to be the event of theyear in the United States. Those lookingto invest in the company should take aclose look at Google’s brandmanagement strategy.


Reporting intangible value is more important than ever

New international accountancy rules that came into force at the end ofMarch 2004 mean that there is a much greater need for companies to reportthe value of any intangibles that form part of an acquisition.By Nick Rea and Romil Radia

How to plan for success

To maximise the value of intellectual assets it is important to ensure that theway they are managed is a fully integrated part of company strategy. This doesnot need to be a daunting task if a series of key points are followed.Steve Manton reports

Intangibles are no longer undetectable, the taxman says

Donating valuable IP to non-profit research institutions seems to create avirtuous circle: businesses shed some of the cost of maintaining their IPportfolio, and the potential benefits of new technologies can still reach society.But in the US, the IRS is suspicious that the substantial tax breaks availablefrom such generosity are being abused, and it has vowed to tackle the issuehead on. By Adrian Preston

A question of tax

It may not be the most glamorous subject in the world but for any organisationthat owns intellectual property it is among the most important. Because if youget tax wrong it can end up costing you a huge amount of money

Leveraging IP and delivering shareholder value, part one

Bottom line return and sustained improvement in stock performance areamong the principle reasons for initiating any intellectual asset managementprogramme. There may be general principles to follow but, when it comes downto it, companies have to formulate strategies that reflect their specificcircumstances. Multinational corporation Motorola and English start-upCambridge Display Technology are two cases in point. Keith Bergelt, who hasheld senior positions at both, reports

A new framework for technology transfer agreements in Europe

Technology licensing rules have recently undergone a major change in Europe.As a result, deal-making across the continent is going to get a lot morecomplicated. By David Wood and Isabel Davies

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