IAM 60

IAM 60

IAM 60

Star man

John Veschi expected to create a
world-class licensing programme at
Nortel when he joined the company
in 2008. Five years later, he is the
CEO of Rockstar, a unique NPE that
is in the early stages of monetising
what is probably the most famous
patent portfolio in the world



Corporate trademark departments should be feted, not ignored

Although IP is gaining greatervisibility inside corporations,what that often means ispatents. In too many casestrademarks are beingignored. This is bad newsfor in-house practitionersbut also, potentially, for theiremployers

Management report

IP in the Life Sciences Industries 2013

No matter what stage of the businesscycle they have reached, it is critical forcompanies in the life sciences sector toidentify, protect and effectively managetheir intellectual property if they wantto maximise their chances of enduringsuccess in the marketplace. A well-built,well-maintained IP portfolio enhancescompetitiveness, increases differentiationand can make a business more attractiveto potential investors. It may also provideadditional revenue streams where there areopportunities for it to be licensed or sold.


Patent system’s bad actors are not confined to trolls

The headlines proclaim that NPE suitsare up and awards paid to them arehigher than for operating companies.The reasons why, and who among IPplaintiffs and defendants act in badfaith, can be revealing

Injunctions in the post-Apple world

In two recent appeals involving Appleand Samsung, the Federal CircuitCourt of Appeal has raised the barfor enjoining sales of a competitor’sinfringing products in the United States.Now patentees must establish thatthe infringing feature actually drivesconsumer demand before being grantedan injunction

Full disclosure: the next big thing?

A new trend is emerging for formerlysecretive companies to open up boththeir patent portfolios and IP activitiesto public scrutiny. While this may seema refreshing change, is it always a goodidea to follow suit?


What makes green patents green?

While there is an increased focus ongreen technology and intellectualproperty, confusion remains aboutwhat qualifies as ‘green’. Industryleader Philips offers some concreteexamples of how to define andmeasure green patents

Shining stars of IP

Introducing the five individualsselected to enter the IP Hall ofFame in 2013 for their stellarcontributions to the IP space

Asia drives the transformation of the global patent economy

Those looking for cutting-edgedevelopments in the way that IP isintegrated into wider society – at aneducational, corporate and financiallevel – are increasingly turning theirgaze to Asia, and to four countriesin particular

Everyone’s a winner

While litigation brings substantialrisk and requires significantinvestments of time and money,mediation offers the opportunity toachieve a win-win outcome for bothsides – and at a fraction of the cost

Patent privateering reloaded

IP privateering, while rare, doesexist. The target of such efforts cantypically do little more than fightthem off, unless it can establishwho is behind them. The practiceis likely to continue unless and untila regulatory actor steps in to placeboundaries on its commercial use

Leveraging patent catalogues to reap the benefits of your portfolio

Patent catalogues are invaluable forcompanies needing a quick answerto what IP assets they own and whatthese are worth. As investor interestin IP monetisation continues to soar,a well-maintained catalogue can bea crucial part of a business strategy

The ever-changing IP monetisationmarketplace for PAEs

Entities whose business strategyis centred on IP monetisation areoperating in an industry that isundergoing rapid transformationand controlled growth

Developing global IP strategies in the wake of the America Invents Act

The America Invents Acts took fulleffect on 16th March 2013, andstrategic integration of its provisionsinto IP portfolio development,IP litigation and IP transactionalmatters will continue to be ofparamount importance

1,000 US patent club 2013

A little more than 300 entities own over 50% of all active patents in the United States. They are the companies which hold portfolios comprising 1,000–plus US patents and each one is named in this follow-up to the US Patent 100 list published earlier this year in IAM

Industry insight

Make innovation tax deductible

The UK’s new Patent Box regime offersIP owners a new way in which to leveragetheir rights in order to create significanttax savings, writes Bob Stembridge ofThomson Reuters

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