IP management needs to drivepatent strategies for early tomiddle-stage companies, fromprotecting proprietary technologies(walls) to attacking competitors’products and market-leadingtechnologies (missiles)
Open innovation is nothing new– ‘teaming’ between differentcompanies and universities forspecific projects has been commonpractice for years. However, sucharrangements can work only if IPownership and licensing rights arecarefully managed
A number of indicators need tobe examined when judging whichcompanies are the best at creatingreal IP value. Based on activitymeasured during 2012, an elitegroup of 50 can be identified
As growth in China continues tooutstrip that in Western countries,many multinationals are usingintellectual property to bolster theirpositions. However, in order forthis to work, IP strategies mustbe tailored to meet the particularchallenges that China presents
While there is still some stigmaover buying patents rather thandeveloping them in-house,acquiring intellectual property canbe a smart way to enter marketslater and secure a better returnon investment. Both should bepriorities for every IP manager
The growing importance of patentsin business suggests they shouldbe considered as financial, as wellas technological and legal, assets.While this involves a reorientation ofperspective, efficient managementcould unlock millions of dollars forsavvy patentees
The IP Business Congress is theperfect forum for the world’s finestIP minds to discuss their hopes,fears and expectations
A little historical perspective revealsthat non-practising entities havebeen around for nearly as long asthe patents they profit from. Tarringall NPEs with the same brush risksmissing the real problem with thesystem: poor-quality patents
A round-up of IP-related quotes, observations and opinions from the recent past ...
Ambitious patenting targetsare part of a wider push tocreate an innovation-basedeconomy in China. But byover-focusing on patents,the Chinese risk missing thebigger picture
In Myriad the Supreme Court excludednaturally occurring DNA, such as genes,from the scope of patent protection. It isnot yet clear what impact the decisionwill have and that very uncertainty isfuelling concern throughout the medicaland biotech industries
Although intellectual property is anasset of growing economic and financialimportance, it is hard to find universitiesor business schools that teach coursesfocusing on this
The findings of the Commission on theTheft of American Intellectual Propertyare a good start to addressing a globalproblem with deep local roots. However,the report fails to mention the damagethat domestic IP theft is wreaking on theUS economy
Industry insight
When it comes to selecting IPmanagement software, buyers shouldbe as careful as they would be whendeciding whether to get married, writesDee Campbell, a product manager withThomson IP Management Services