As technologies become increasingly complex, many companies rely on open innovation to bring products to market. Governments can take measures to encourage open innovation and improve their countries’ position on the world stage
Universities and government labs –especially in the United States – arekeen to transfer technologies intocommercial ventures. It can be tough,but not impossible, for corporates toengage with those organisations andfind those innovations
The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore has launched a US$80 million scheme under which granted patents can be used by Singaporeincorporated companies as collateral to raise financing in order to reach the next stage of development and compete in international markets
More than 600 delegates from over 45 countries gathered atthe sell-out IPBC Global 2014, which took place at the Hotel Okurain Amsterdam from June 22 to 24. Attended by senior operators fromall parts of the IP marketplace – including chief IP officers, executivesfrom major public IP companies and other non-practising entities,financiers and investors, brokers and other intermediaries, policymakers, lawyers and service providers – IPBC Global 2014 was aresounding success, from the first plenary session featuring Philipspresident and CEO Frans van Houten to the final breakouts
Patent translations involve some of the most technically and linguistically challenging material available, but are often an afterthought. As global patent filings grow, a rethink of how we approach patent translations is needed
Early-stage IP-based collaborationscan help small start-ups to expandglobally and feed the innovationpipelines of larger companies. Itis all about building relationshipsand trust, and keeping the lines ofcommunication open
Traditionally, the job of in-housecounsel is to protect innovationrather than to encourage it. However,with the right mindset, those in therole can also play a critical role in theinventive process itself
Once known simply as a PC maker focused on the Chinese market, Lenovo has grown into a global tech giant. Now, as it looks to grow its mobile business in the mature markets of Europe and America, it has placed patents at the heart of its strategy
With intellectual property now recognised as a major component of corporate value, the need for an accurate and widely accepted patent valuation method is more important than ever
Data centre
A selection of key IP facts and figures, as reported by IAM and other sources
The United States lacks a strongframework for protecting trade secretsat the federal level. However, proposedlegislation could be about to shake thingsup and provide new protection in this area
For some consumer electronicscompanies, prior art libraries havebecome a first line of defence againstpatent assertions and an extremelyeffectively tool against non-practisingentities
Despite a more restricted view ofinnovation and efforts to rein in bad IPbehaviours, patents are more uncertainthan ever. Some IP investors are certainto profit
In one of the most eagerly awaitedIP judicial decisions in recent years,the US Supreme Court appears tohave refrained from restricting thepatentability of software
Industry insight
The findings of a recent survey of inhouselegal departments and privatepractice law firms underline just howimportant it is to get the right peopleand processes in place for efficientIP management, writes Adam Jaffe ofThomson Reuters
A round-up of IP-related quotes, observations and opinions fromthe recent past ...
The License On TransferNetwork is a welcomeaddition to the IP ecosystem,but the companies whichsign up to become membersneed to be clear that they aresacrificing a large part of thestrategic flexibility that patentownership can bring