The Patent 1000 focuses exclusively on patent practice and has firmly established itself as the definitive 'go-to' resource for those seeking world-class legal patent expertise.
Bronze - Individuals: prosecution
Proudly independent on both sides of the Trans-Tasman Sea, James & Wells is home to a group of scientifically adept patent attorneys who easily parse any technically challenging briefs that come their way. Leading lights include Adam Luxton, Andrew Clarke, Nick Mountford and Janelle Borham. With an extensive background in mining and software engineering, Luxton is in demand among national and multinational companies seeking insightful and commercially relevant IP advice. Biochemistry PhD Clarke has an impressive track record of managing and prosecuting worldwide portfolios for universities, large research organisations, ASX-listed companies and start-ups. Mountford has engineering and ICT down cold; he is experienced in building multi-dimensional patent strategies that tick every box. Recently joining the firm from Griffith Hack, Borham ably dispatches any filings in the life sciences realm.