Aoki, Ferreira, Mattioli & Yamashita Propriedade Intelectual

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The Patent 1000 focuses exclusively on patent practice and has firmly established itself as the definitive 'go-to' resource for those seeking world-class legal patent expertise.

Bronze - Firms

Aoki Ferreira Mattioli & Yamashita is suited to large companies seeking an intuitive service in the management of their patent portfolios. With more than 20 years of experience in the trade, Paola Mattioli brings her background in chemical engineering to the benefit of pharmaceutical giants seeking a sophisticated registration process. Katia Jane Ferreira Evangelista’s practice focuses on enforcing the protection of clients’ patents through strategic manoeuvring in both the administrative and judicial areas. The duo performs an extensive list of patent services, such as filings and portfolio management, as well as offering solutions to complex patent infringement matters. Over the past year they have sought new avenues for the patent practice, having built supportive relationships with companies in the chemical, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and mechanical industries.

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