Duncan Longstaff

Duncan Longstaff

Principal, Spruson & Ferguson Lawyers
[email protected]

Duncan Longstaff is a specialist IP lawyer. He has extensive IP litigation expertisewith 15 years in practice. His practice focuses on patent disputes, including inthe mining and energy, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.

Duncan is an expert litigator, conducting major complex IP litigation in theFederal Court of Australia and the High Court of Australia. Significant casesin which he has played a leading role include patent litigation for Zoetis, DynoNobel and AstraZeneca, as well as other IP disputes for major Australian andforeign clients.

Duncan has developed a significant practice in conducting oppositions in theAustralian Patent Office, including for clients such as James Hardie, Johnson &Johnson and Visa.

Duncan is a member of the Law Council of Australia’s Intellectual PropertyCommittee. He is also a member of the Intellectual Property Society of Australiaand New Zealand and the International Association for the Protection ofIntellectual Property, and he regularly attends conferences of other leading IPsocieties, including the International Trademark Association and the AmericanIntellectual Property Law Association.

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