Guanyang Yao

Guanyang Yao

Partner, Liu, Shen & Associates
[email protected]

Guanyang Yao focuses on providing legal service related to patent law and trade secrets. He has extensive experiences of over 16 years on complicated patent invalidation, infringement and administrative disputes, FTO analysis, IP due diligence research, patent portfolio strategy consulting and strategy making.

Mr Yao is good at designing overall litigation strategy based on case circumstances and providing practical and effective legal opinions to achieve maximum legal rights for clients. As the leading attorney for the litigation team, Mr Yao has represented various domestic and international enterprises in multiple patent disputes, covering technical fields such as engineering, automobiles, mechanicals, software, telecommunication SEPs and medical devices.

Multiple cases handled by Mr Yao are selected as annual IP representative cases. Mr Yao gives speeches in domestic and international IP conferences, such as AIPPI forums and INTA annual meetings.

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