Intellectual Property, patents particularly, can be complex - often with no single right answer but several wrong ones.

Expert Patent Attorneys provide clear actionable advice.  Like you we innovate, which enables us to obtain valuable IP assets more efficiently and cost-effectively than traditional approaches.  This is why, despite being relatively new on a highly traditional scene, we have won numerous awards already.

Our extensive expertise ranges from winning complex oppositions or litigation for multinationals, through giving growing companies an effective IP presence down to advising start-ups how best to deploy funds to get the best IP strategy, giving both protection now and added value on exit.  The team has unequalled depth of commercial experience.

We enjoy working with entrepreneurs, technical experts, in-house counsel and commercially minded US attorneys to find the best practical solution for every situation.  We want every client to be delighted with what we do, not just satisfied.  Don't just take our word for it, see what others say.


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